Strategic Plan

Dear parents, carers, friends, families and supporters of our Scone Grammar School Community,

Thank you for taking an interest in our positive, flourishing, learning community. Here is a brief summary of our balanced approach to caring and celebrating each individual within our Scone Grammar School Community. Learning is supported by explicit teaching of wellbeing and learning skills, in an innovative, flourishing learning environment.

We come from and embrace a diversity of backgrounds with the common goal of drawing out each individual. We believe in caring for each student – discovering their interests and what lights them up, helping them to get to know their character strengths, and strengthening their God-given talents. We incorporate this into their learning environment to stretch them, inspiring and motivating their learning… for life.

Each Monday all of our students attend a chapel service at St Luke’s Anglican Church next door to Scone Grammar School. It allows us to commence our week with a strong connection to our Christian foundation. Our students also participate in Christian Studies classes each week, encouraging our students to explore their faith.

The Kit Bag for Life is where our students learn to draw on the pillars, foundation and roof of our positive, flourishing, learning community to take out the elements, habits or tools that they need to build independent learning and resilience in and for life. It is also about creating experiences, inspiring and motivating our SGS Community to take hurdles in our stride.

Our wellbeing survey over the past year has measured a boost in wellbeing. Enrolments have been growing despite a challenging year of adapting to the many demands of remote learning. We welcomed three classes of Kindergarten students and, for the first time, three classes of Year 7 students this year.

A bedrock of research suggests that increased levels of wellbeing contributes to better life and academic outcomes for students.

We strive to stretch our team, our positive, flourishing, learning community and ultimately our students. Our strategic planning is imperative. Thank you for joining us on our journey into a flourishing future for Scone Grammar School.

Please click here to view our 2021 Strategic Plan.

With gratitude and appreciation,

Mr Paul Smart